15 2023-12
活动时间:12月22日 14:30-17:00
活动地点:修远楼104教室 -
15 2023-12
威尼斯人娱乐场门户网站 专题讲座——对外援助解锁“一带一路”沿线发展瓶颈
Time: 9:00-11:30, December 25th
Place: Room 104, Xiuyuan Building -
07 2023-12
组织威尼斯人娱乐场门户网站 师生前往苏州古城区,参访相门城墙遗址,了解苏州古城保护的原则和措施。推荐更多古城保护案例场所,并邀请师生去实地探访详情,拍摄当地现状,欣赏最美苏州。
29 2023-11
威尼斯人娱乐场门户网站 专题讲座——从贸易投资法律视角看“一带一路”沿线跨境经济特区
Dr. Fu received her Ph.D. in Law and Governance at University College Dublin, and is currently an associate professor of International Law at School of Law, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, teaches International Economic Law, WTO Law, etc. She used to be a Consultant of Next Generation Trade Facilitation at United Nations ESCAP.
29 2023-11
威尼斯人娱乐场门户网站 专题讲座——引领数字时代:探索“一带一路”倡议下数字经济标准的发展
Dr. Xiaoou Liu is a Professor at Renmin University of China. She holds a Ph.D. in agricultural and resource economics from University of Connecticut. Her current research has focused on interpretable Machine Learning models, and applying machine learning approaches to classic econometric estimation.