Lecture——The Chinese model
On December 15, the first-year students of the Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies program of Silk Road School attended another seminar on the Chinese political model delivered by Professor Song Luzheng from the China Institute, Fudan University. Professor Song covered a wide agenda comparing two political systems: the western democracy and the “Chinese model”.
2021-12-24 -
Holiday Greetings from SRS Class of 2021!
As 2021 comes to an end, master’s students of the Contemporary China Studies program of the Silk Road School, Renmin University of China have already completed a semester of their studies. From brief self-introductions via emails with each other to attending courses and interacting with each other, the Class of 2021 students have already become a part of the larger Renmin University of China family.
2021-12-24 -
Lecture—— RCEP: A Milestone in the Regional Integration Process in East Asia
On December 9, Silk Road School (SRS) of Renmin University of China held another extraordinary seminar on the economic agreement made by China, ASEAN member states, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand called the RCEP.
2021-12-13 -
Lecture—— Towards Social Inclusion in Digital Age: An Action Field Study
On December 7th,the fourth seminar of thelecture series on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), organized by the Silk Road School was held and key focus was placed on the theme of social inclusion in this digital age.
2021-12-08 -
Silk Road School successfully held the first table tennis friendship match
In order to help overseas students better understand the Silk Road School, learn Chinese table tennis and its spirit, the first ping-pong friendship match of the Silk Road School was successfully held in the KaitaiBuilding on the afternoon of December 7.