
Suzhou Campus


The Students of Silk Road School Demonstrates Their Civic Skills, Solidarity and Voluntary Spirit in the Ancient Town Tongli

Release date:2019-03-07 writing:

In order to pass on their "Community Spirit", promote cross-culture understanding, tolerance toward others, encourage and promote volunteerism culture, March 7th afternoon, the students of Silk Road School, organized a Community volunteer work in benefit of the Ancient Town Tongli.

The Activity begins at 3:00 p.m. In the spirit of "Solidarity", students dedicated a handful of time, effort and  help in the cleaning up of the Ancient Town Tongli. The activity included picking dead leaves, swipping the alleys, wipping durst, removing grass, and cutting some tree branches. Working together as a group with the native, the students have shown good teamwork and volunteerism spirit. In the end, students of Silk Road School visited some historical wonders of the ancient town Tongli.

Community volunteerism shapes a community life for the better. Fostering the sense of participation, belonging to one’s community, spirit of solidarity and cooperation, all of which contribute significantly to bring people together. At the end of the Clean up activity, the students expressed that they enjoyed the experience,  and felt being part of something essential by interacting with the community around them investing  their time and effort in such a positive action.

The commitment to volunteerism brings people together, facilitate interaction, engender inclusiveness and promote connection of people. The Ancient Town Tongli clean up activity profoundly encouraged a much higher regard of students to solidarity, compassion and cooperation and also bring the student closer to their close social environment or community realities. Through this activity, the Silk Road School is promoting the sense of community, cross-cultural communication skills, cooperation and enriches the life experience of the students after class.

Written by :Tagne Toikade Thierry.