
Suzhou Campus


The Deputy Dean Jin Canrong at School of International Studies of the Renmin University of China Paid a Visit to Silk Road Shool

Release date:2019-04-11 writing:

Last week happened to be rich for pleasant and informative meetings for Renmin University of China Silk Road School students. On the sunny day of April 11th, the deputy dean at School of International Studies of the Renmin University of China – Jin Canrong – paid a visit to Suzhou campus in the framework of the lecture on “Leadership of Humanities and Social Sciences”. He kindly agreed to meet Silk Road School students after the lecture in order to ask about their insights about the life in Suzhou, the Belt and Road initiative and so on. The weather was wonderful, so they took a seat at the terrace of Suzhou campus library building, enjoying the view on the campus area and Suzhou urban landscapes are seen far beyond it.

The meeting was attended by student-representatives of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cameroon, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, France and Latvia. Needless to mention how wide was the range of questions they were concerned about. Students from Pakistan were interested by the professor’s opinion on Sino-Pakistan relations and he supposes whether they will change due to United States pressure. The representative from Afghanistan was wondering to which extent the People’s Republic of China can engage in settling the military situation in his country. Others were expressing their interest for the Belt and Road Initiative, its nature and purposes as well as its influence on China-EU relations. People were so inspired about the opportunity to have such discussion, that questions were asked even distantly. One of the students who were not able to attend the meeting but was still willing to know the professor’s opinion on a matter, asked the question with the help of a classmate. The question was who, to Pr. Jin Canrong’s opinion, could possibly become the next superpower after China. Such topics as the economy of Jiangsu province, country’s industrial capabilities, China’s engagement in the development of African countries, construction of infrastructure and even the Chinese navy were also mentioned during the meeting. In a short amount of time, they discussed various wide topics covering most of the most emerging areas in the world’s politics, economy and international relations.


Professor Jin responded to all constructively and with a sense of humor, keeping the atmosphere of the conversation as light and unstrained as possible.Students were both surprised and pleased by his ability to reply to all questions on the straightest and the most honest way. The professional and academic experience of their honorableguest, his manner of communication and rich knowledge impressed the students of Silk Road School, prompting them to discuss the issues raised during the discussion even after the professor had already leftand to express their rave insights about the meeting.