
Suzhou Campus


Shanghai Consul General of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Sabri TunçAngılı visited Silk Road School

Release date:2019-05-09 writing:

Shanghai Consul General of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Sabri TunçAngılı visited Silk Road School on 7th May. Commercial councilor Mr. Mustafa Akseli was there to accompany him. During his visit, he had a meeting with the Renmin University administration at Silk Road School. Ms. Angılı mentioned that he has been in SIP five times before but first time at Renmin University Suzhou campus. During the meeting, issues such as the development of cooperation between countries and joint education activities including exchange programs and summer/winter schools and mainly the Belt and Road project were discussed.


During five years, Turkey-China relations have increased rapidly. Notably, the announcement of the Turkey Tourism Year in 2018 has affected relationships positively. Last year 400.000 Chinese tourist had visited Turkey. This number is an all-time record.Moreover, this year Turkey has been joining the Beijing Expo 2019. In this scope, both sides are looking for new opportunities.

The meeting took place in a warm atmosphere. Vice Chairman of Suzhou Campus Administrative CommitteeMr. Li Jiugao made a brief speech to describe SIP and the Suzhou Campus. After that, he underlined the Turkish students at Renmin University and cooperation with Turkish Universities. Ms. Angılı ensured that he would encourage the Turkish Universities like Koç and İstanbul which are one of the most reputed and successful universities in Turkey to send more students to China and provide more areas for China and Asia studies. Both sides agreed to increase the number of students. After the meeting, Silk Road Collection was shown to the Turkish delegate.

This visit was an important step to enhance China-Turkey relations made by the Turkish side. It is notable that after the Belt and Road Forum at the end of the April both countries have tended to soften the strained relations.They shared their confidence in the positive correlation between the opportunities to know each other and mutual development.In this context, the importance of the universities and students were emphasized.

Mr. Angılı described how the Turkish government understands the main pillars of the Chinese approach to the Belt and Road. Pillars which are government to government and enterprises to enterprises depend on the people to people basis. Programs like Silk Road School can provide mutual understanding and can help erase the barriers.

As a student of Silk Road School and as a Turkish citizen, I believe that to educate students who can develop mutual relations will be one of the essential factors to create better relationships. Even though these two nations have been sharing a long history, now they are not in a satisfying position in terms of political and economic cooperation. It is clear that the new educated generation in the opposite country will help countries to reach their mutual goals.

Written by: Emre Güpgüpoğlu

Edited by: Zhang Mingyu