
Suzhou Campus


The explanatory meeting of 2020 master's thesis proposal of Silk Road School was successfully held.docx

Release date:2021-09-08 writing:

The explanatory meeting of 2020 master's thesis proposal of Silk Road School was successfully held

Silk Road School held an online explanatory meeting for 2020 master's thesis proposal on the afternoon of September 7th. Professor Jiang Xiaoli, theDeputyDean forSilk Road School, Dr. Zhu Fengyu,the Director of Teaching and Student Affairs Department of Silk Road School, and all 2020 students attended the meeting.

Jiang Xiaoli gave the opening words. She first congratulated the students on the successful completion of the first phase of postgraduate training under the challenge of the COVID-19 epidemic. Then she introduced the main purpose and significance of thisexplanatory meeting to all students. Jiang Xiaoliemphasized that thesis writing is a critical part for students to obtain a master's degree. She hoped that students would actively contact with their supervisorto discuss about thesis and research plans, toprovide high-level research results to the relevant research fields.

Combined with specific cases, Zhu Fengyu introduced the time arrangement, content framework, format requirements, academic paper writing norms, andthe use of the RUConline library etc. Finally, Zhu Fengyu answered the students' questions in detail about writing skills, thesis defense requirements, literature retrieval, and other aspects that the students focused on. Students said they had benefited a lot.

Thesis writing is an important part of talent training in universities. It is also an important way to promote innovative education and cultivate innovative talents in universities. This explanation meeting clarified the requirements of the thesis proposal, deepened the students’ understanding of various aspects and stages ofthesis writing, enhanced their confidence in thesis writing, and laid a foundation for the students to complete the defense of the thesis proposalsuccessfully.

Written by He Chunjie

Translated by Li Ting