
Suzhou Campus


Jiang Feng (江风 )

Associate Professor of Finance

International College, Renmin University of China


[email protected]

Education background

PH. D., of Economics, Concordia University, Canada

Master of International Business, Paris XII University, France

Bachelor of French (minor in Investment Economics), Nanjing University, China

Academic experience

September 2021 – present: Associate Professor of Finance, International College, Renmin University of China

September 2017 – August 2021: Assistant Professor of Finance, International College, Renmin University of China

September 2016 – July 2017: Lecturer, Department of Economics, Concordia University

Courses taught

September 2017 – present, Renmin University of China

Undergraduate and graduate courses (in Chinese): Econometrics, Macroeconomics, Writing norms and thesis writing

Graduate courses (in English): Chinese Economy, Contemporary Chinese Economy

September 2016 – July 2017: Concordia University Undergraduate course (in English): Intermediate Microeconomics


Chinese (native), English (Fluent), French (Fluent).


Jiang, Feng. Chinese contractor involvement in wildlife protection in Africa: Case study of Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway Project, Kenya. Land Use Policy (SSCI, Tier 1), 95(2020): 104650.

Jiang, Feng & Guo, Liang. Comparison of the Contribution of Chinese & Non-Chinese FDI to the Economic Growth of "One Belt and One Road" Countries--- Empirical Study Based on Multinational Panel Data. Statistics & Decision (CSSCI). 2021, January.

Jiang, Feng & Guo, Liang. Is cross border tourism an effective means to achieve political goals? Evidence from Mainland China and Taiwan. Empirical Economics Letters (SSCI), 2021 March.

Jiang, Feng & Guo, Liang. Pollution Haven Effect and Porter Effect in North-South trade: A theoretic analysis under the mixed duopoly Cournot model. Empirical Economics Letters (SSCI), 2021 April.


Jiang, Feng (editor). An overview of Chinese economy: past, present and future. China Renmin University Press. 2021. Textbook of the course for foreign graduate students.

Research programs undertaken

2020-2021: Research on study and employment of international students from countries along "One Belt and One Road" in China. Science & Research Fund Programs of Renmin University of China. (person in charge)

2018: Study on the development of bamboo industry in Yibin City. Yibin - Renmin University of China: Yangtze River Economic Belt Research Institute. (main participator)

Research areas

Resource and Environmental Economics, International Trade, General Economics.

Academic awards and others

2019 – present: Member of Expert Database of Suzhou Science and Technology Bureau

2019 – present: Evaluation expert of Soft Science projects of Suzhou city 2016 – present: Junior research fellow (part-time) of Loyola Sustainability Research Centre of Concordia University

2021: Excellent undergraduate thesis supervisor of Renmin University of China

2017 – 2020: High level talent in education of Suzhou Industrial Park

2019: Excellent supervisor of Innovation & Experiment program for undergraduate students (Beijing municipal level)